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Writer: Dan Held MinistriesDan Held Ministries

Many years back when it was traditional for pastors to do a children’s sermon during Sunday morning worship, one of my favorites to “preach” was the one about the long-handled spoon.   And I dare say it was one of the kids’ favorites, as well.


For this little “message” about a teaching from Jesus for us as his disciples, the kiddos were invited to sit in a large circle on the floor.  In the center of the circle I placed a bowl full of marshmallows on top of a large bed sheet.    Who likes marshmallows?   Most, if not all, hands went up.   But what if I told them that today the only way they could have a marshmallow to eat was with a long-handled spoon they would have to hold with two hands, one being at the very end of the handle?


You probably know where I’m going with this one.  


As I brought out this unusual spoon I had taped to a discarded broom handle, this special instrument was passed around the circle giving everyone a chance to spoon out a marshmallow.   One chance per person.   One hand on the end of the broom handle at all times.   And so this exercise in spilled marshmallows continued around the circle.  Rule was “no eating a marshmallow that touched the sheet on floor.”  End of turn.  Pass the spoon to the right.


Next round.  Bowl was refilled with new marshmallows.       


Let’s try something different.   What would Jesus do?  


“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38).


So what would Jesus do if he had a spoon like this and he had to hold on with one hand clear back here at the end of its handle?      


Kids are smart.   Every church has at least one kid who knows instantly what to do.   And I’m sure you do, too.   Instead of taking the marshmallow back to feed ourselves, we can give the marshmallow to someone else sitting away from us in the circle.   Again, everyone gets a turn with the spoon.  Everyone gets to receive one marshmallow from someone else.   Rule is “bite   your marshmallow but don’t lick the spoon.”   (Just in case I always had an anti-septic cloth to wipe the spoon with.) Older kids may have to help out the younger ones, but in turn everyone around the bowl gets a marshmallow to eat. Thanks to that long-handled spoon.


Now what did we learn from Jesus today?   Do you think Jesus just meant marshmallows or did he have something else in mind, too?   Like what?   

Do we always receive something back right away after we give something?    What if today you gave someone a marshmallow and you had to wait until maybe next year when someone different would then give you a marshmallow?   Would you still have given someone else a marshmallow today?   Jesus said “your gift will return to you in full.”   But he didn’t say when.  Could be a long time from now.   How many of you would still give to someone else anyhow?   (That’s when the adults sitting in the pews would get their chuckles, because every hand would eventually go up but some with great hesitation and reluctant pressure from maybe an older sibling.)


Okay, adults in the room.    Or adults reading this on line.   Can we still learn from Jesus today?   How about our own nation?   Does America need a lesson today about tariffs and trade?    Does our country need to learn a lesson about what happens if we just try harder to take care of ourselves?  Just feed ourselves?  


What would Jesus do when it comes to taking care of our neighbors in other countries around the world?


There was a time, like maybe a few months ago, when America’s stock market attracted investors from around the world?   Why?  Because Americans invested in them.    A time when American exporters attracted buyers from around the world.   Why?   Because Americans bought their exports first.   A time when what we did around the world was the same thing our kids in church did around the bowl of marshmallows.    We gave away even if we knew we may not receive anything back for maybe a long time yet.   That was when America was great.   Now so long ago.    

I dare say the average American child today understands more about tariffs and trade than the top leaders in our own American government.     


America has been blessed with a long-handed spoon for a reason.   Right now we’re trying to use the thing to feed ourselves.   Our marshmallows are hitting the floor.   And unless we learn a lesson and do things differently, it’s going to keep happening.   We’ll all be sitting around the world gazing down in sorrow at what might have been.  Licking our lips in vain.


But maybe Jesus was right.   Maybe the world’s game of “zero sum” where in order for us to win someone else has to lose is what sin is really about.    Maybe the heavenly game of “plus sum” where we feed each other and see how synergy makes life abundant for all as a win/win..…….maybe that is what salvation from Jesus is really about.


“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38).


Our kids have figured that one out.   When will America?




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